Thursday 25 September 2014

Induction sequence evaluation

Induction sequence evaluation
Introduction: as stated earlier we created a short continuity sequence in order to demonstrate our abilities. Now the sequence is complete we have been tasked to evaluate the sequence we created.

Section 1: Mise- en- scene and camera work
For this task we were required to use a certain amount of cinematographic techniques to meet the criteria for our sequence. The clip opens with a wide establishing shot showing a glass walkway, we chose this location for filming as it allowed for multiple camera angles to be utilised, although the day we were shooting was too bright which caused the glass to be too reflective to get any more external shots.
In the next scene we see the ‘main’ character who is wearing basic clothing; we decided not to use any special props or costumes due to time restraints, reflected by the bag the character is holding, which is simply the bag in which the camera we used came in. We used a low angle shot in this scene mainly to avoid the large amount of people off frame but also to make the character look important and stand out a little bit more making the audience believe this is the main character.
The next shot is one of the required match on action of the character opening the door, the character pauses before the door in order to show hesitation and to hint at the characters intentions for the package. Reflecting on this shot I would have preferred to have an OTS following the character through the door but due to the large amount of people travelling through the filming location the shot would have been too difficult.
The next shot reveals a new character (who is once again wearing a basic costume) in a wide shot showing the whole corridor; we see a close up of the main as she prepares to meet the new character.
The OTS in the next shot is from the left shoulder of the character essentially breaking the 180 degree rule this mistake was made early on so it does not add any confusion. We then see the second character hand the main something out of his pocket , which we decided not to show because the action of reaching in his pocket is a strong implication it is money, this shot is just a simple OTS.
The next scene shows a low down straight shot of the bag changing hands once again breaking the 180 degree rule, in editing this was pointed out but one of the characters was not available to re-shoot the scene. With the bag having changed hands, we then see a medium shot of the second character as he nods in appreciation. We then cut to a low down straight on shot of the characters feet as they turn away from each other, we cut to an OTS showing the main character glancing back over her shoulder as if she mistrusts the other character, the scene then fades down to black.
In the next scene we fade up to see the male character with the package in a new location, we used a low angle shot to show more of the characters face as he is opening the package at first he looks sceptical then intrigued as to the contents of the package.
In the last scene we see the male character pull a smaller case out of the larger bag, we cut to an extreme close up of the characters mouth to show him smiling.

Conclusion: to conclude this clip was not the best as it did not correctly follow some rules of continuity, was poorly focused and too short. All of these downsides are mainly due to the small amount of time we had to complete the sequence.


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