Wednesday 9 December 2015

Research and Planning: Designing an ESting

Important rules for submitting an ESting:
The E4 logo must be included
Entrants must be 16 or over
Entrants must have a public YouTube and Twitter account.
Entrants must use the music provided by E4
1 entry per person or group
Must not be offensive or breach copyright.

For my E sting I will be using a blend of live action and stop motion. The actor of course will be live action but the face/skin that falls will be done through stop motion.

The E sting I will be helping to create is a parody of the Poltergeist face pulling off scene. The character will be looking in the mirror in a dimly lit bathroom and will notice a piece of his skin hanging off he will pull the skin off and let it fall in the sink, he will continue to pull more and more skin off of his face until the sink is full the skin will combine to reveal the E4 logo.

Our E sting is set in only one location which will be the bathroom.

The only real problem that we may face is actually creating the fake face that the actor will peel off, it may be difficult to create a realistic looking face if we are unable to we may have to settle for an alternate material or method. If we are unable to make the fake face look good on a real actor it may be wise to create the whole E Sting using claymation

Due to the fairly disturbing nature of our E Sting it would not be suitable for younger audience members, I approximate that it would be better suited to audiences aged 18+, it is not aimed at any specific gender, and would be better targeted at an audience that like movies.

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