Friday 18 March 2016

Music Videos: Styles, Conventions And Techniques.

Style: As live

As live refers to any music video that shows the band playing their song as they would play it if it were live hence as live. The example I chose was Gold On The Ceiling by The Black keys, I thought this was a good example because it shows the band performing the song and the crowds reaction to it given the feeling of being at a concert without actually attending it.     

Style: Narrative and Interpretive

Narrative/interpretive music try to create a visual narrative to go along with the lyrics or in some cases just create a visual story that accompanies the song. The example I chose was Figure It Out by Royal Blood this music video shows a woman on the run from police at a mall she eventually stumbles across a man killing him for seemingly no reason until we see a flashback seeing that the man had kidnapped her and she had escaped, the video is especially unique because of the way the story is told when there is a red filter the story is 'hidden' but when it changes to blue we see things we did not see previously.     

Style: Surrealist/Absurd 

Surrealist/absurd music videos that have unique,quirky or simply strange visuals, the example I chose is Sockets by Slaves I chose this because of the strange blend of stop motion and live action with strange visuals showing a man being attacked by plugs and various appliances, along with the 4:3 aspect ratio and chromatic aberration it gives the whole video a strange b-movie vibe.

Style: Impressionist

Impressionist music videos try to create a visual accompaniment to the feel of the song rather than the lyrics, for example a slow love song will use soft focus and longer takes. However the example I chose Out Of The Black by Royal Blood which blends live action and animation to create an action packed gore filled fight between a group of aliens and a petrol station attendant, mimicing the fast paced 'hype' inducing feel of the music.    

Style: Intertextual: Synergy, Allusion, Pastiche, Parody and Homage


Parody music videos poke fun out of existing media texts. for example the music video I chose is Weird Al's Amish Paradise which is a parody of Coolio's Gangster's Paradise replacing the lyrics with things from an Amish lifestyle rather than the originals gangster life style reflection.


Allusion simply means to hint at something, music videos can allude to certain big events or famous people this music video in particular, Pumped Up Kicks by Foster The People alludes to shootings by young adults in America, the lyrics and the tone of the song reflect how people committing these crimes may feel.    


Simply put an homage is a reference to an existing media text. This example, Sabotage by the Beastie Boys references cop dramas such as Hawaii 5-0 and Starsky and hutch with it's visuals, costumes and props.

Style: Animation

Not all music videos are live action some are entirely animated either digitally or through stop motion this example Fell In love With A Girl by The White Stripes is a stop motion animated video made using lego with a surprising amount of attention to detail despite the limitations of the material.

Technique: Lip Sync

A very common technique in music videos is lip syncing which is simply when the artist or band sing their song in sync with an overlayed often studio recorded version of the song to give the illusion that they are singing like that in the video. The video I chose, Cheer Up London by Slaves shows the band lip syncing their song as they travel through London.

Technique: Editing

Technique: Cutting to Beat

Cutting to the beat mans to synchronize the actions of the video with the beats of the song. The example I chose Hardest Button To Button By The White Stripes shows the band moving through streets and subways changing positions and location in accordance to the beats of the music. 

Technique: Post-Production effects

Visual effects are used in music videos to create something interesting or beautiful for people to watch as they listen to the song. This example Crazy by Gnarls Barkley shows Rorshach ink blots that form various shapes and faces fitting with the title of the song 'Crazy'. 

Technique:Split Screen

Split screen effects are as seen above when the video is split in half usually vertically to show two different things. This example All I Need by Radiohead shows a Caucasian and an Asian childs day as the Caucasian kid has fun the Asian child is seen working in a sweatshop buliding shoes it is revelaed in the end that the Asian child was making the shoes that the Caucasian child was wearing.

Technique: Chroma Key

Chroma key is another way of saying green/blue screen where the subject is put in front of an all green or blue screen which can then be edited to look like something else in post. This particular example Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough was one of the first all green screen videos made and shows Michael Jackson dancing in front of various green screen backgrounds.

Technique: Camera Movements

A lot of music videos remain visually enticing with the use of camera movements. This example, Writing's On The Wall by OK GO shows us a journey through a warehouse full of optical illusions with the camera spinning, going upside down and craning high up to show the weird illusions. 

Technique: Camera angles and shot types

A lot of music videos have particularly nice cinematography to give the audience something to look at while they listen to the song. This example, Ten Tonne Skeleton by Royal Blood uses a variety of angles and shot types to create a visually enticing video to accompany the song.  

Convention: Mise-en-scene

Mise-en-scene refers to the props, costumes and lighting in a video. Some music videos like the one I have chosen, Empire by Kasabian, use costumes to invoke the zeitgeist of a certain era or date this video in particular uses era appropriate props and costumes to show what the civil war was believed to have looked like. 

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