Tuesday 12 April 2016

Music video planning

Original concept: 

The song I have chosen to make a music video for is Why'd You Only Call Me When Your High by the Arctic Monkeys. The concept for the music video follows the lyrics of the song with a man leaving a pub after drinking he lights a joint and begins walking home the footage is deliberately choppy and unstable to mimic how disoriented the man is as he walks home. As he is walking we see a montage of various 'trippy' shots.

Ending: The man gets to the girls house and finds her passed out on the bed unsure if she is dead or not the video cuts to black before we found out for sure.

Upside down shot fake falling affect by having the actor lean along with the camera's rotation. the man drops a bottle we see it shatter upside down then reverse the footage of the bottle re-forming

360 shot rotating around head but we never see his face

Girl walking towards man when they line up the girl dissapears he turns and sees that she is not there

Shot of man taking a drag of the joint match on action to a syringe emptying

Man looks down an alleyway we see the girl lit only by the light of a cigarette the man looks down the alleyway for her but she isn't there

We see the phone light up with the text "are you out tonight?"

Shot of clock going backwards to the "change your mind" lyric

Shot of retina expanding

Shot of houses, trees and the road rippling

Close up of glass with something being dropped in cut to the same glass exploding (hydrogen peroxide and potassium iodide/ elephants toothpaste experiment)

Shot of heroin spoon with water bubbling

Shot of the man walking being followed by himself (overlaying shots)

POV stumbling shot

Split screen shot of the man calling the girl and her phone ringing


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