Wednesday 17 June 2015

Job Application Reply Letter

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to you in response to your job offer at Flipside Media to produce a short documentary. After carefully reading through the offer I have noticed some parts of the contract do not meet certain codes and protocols. In this letter I will point out these discrepancies in hopes they will be altered.

I noticed that the equality act of 2010 was broken on multiple occasions. The equality act states that discrimination against age and religions/beliefs is illegal, in the letter you state "looking for: male/female (aged below 30)" and "Religious views: Christian" and willing to spread Christian beliefs this violates the equality act by only offering to hire young Christians in place of older more experienced individuals of any belief/religion. Furthermore the equal opportunities legislation requires that all employers must recruit fairly and without prejudice or favorites. Later in the job offer you mention the requirements for the creation of the video but do not mention any kind of protection for the employee while they are working, the employers liability act requires an employer to offer basic health and safety to their employees. If this service is not offered inside your company then it is safe to assume your employees are paying extra to trade unions for this service which should be provided.

While codes of practice are not required by law it is recommended that they be offered to your employees to avoid any further legal issues such as the ones I have pointed out so far. I have noticed an issue in the way you are asking applicants to represent certain people in the documentary you specify "female victims and male offenders" this statement is sexist as well as offensive, claiming that all females are victims and all males offenders does not serve to show the problem in a non-bias light. Furthermore this statement does not help to remove the media bias that only men are responsible for date rape and serves to draw attention away from male victims who may seek help but are repelled by an outlook such as yours.

You also state that the documentary is to be shown to "children at a high school" I believe this audience to be inappropriate due to both the OFCOM broadcasting code and the obscene publications act of 1959. The OFCOM code states that children are individuals under 15 years of age and

Material that might seriously impair the physical, mental or moral development of people under eighteen must not be broadcast. The obscene publication act is an act to amend the law relating to the publication of obscene matter" and since date rape is seen in some cases an obscene and very tender subject this audience is not suitable for the video you intend to create and could possibly negatively affect this audience.

Yours sincerely,

Connor Eke              

1 comment:

  1. Very well constructed and tactful response letter here, Connor!

    It picks apart all the flaws that the application held and explains their faults and the consequences on them.

    To improve, look back to the letter and in your response use direct quotes to further back up your points. Put these in quotations too.

    Well done!

